Zing Yoga Studio Palmerston North

027 474 3160

Terms and Conditions
Zing has closed her physical doors and is going on the road! We are now an online studio. More information to follow!
While Zing is a big space, to allow for social distancing we only fit 12 people in at a time so your mat is precious. We offer reasonable rates but our weeks for guaranteed term mats are measured consecutively. If you can't commit to a certain class you might better buying a concession card.
I'm sick:
While we're open to negotiation if the illness lasts more than two weeks, in all other circumstances your weeks will keep running.
I'm going away:
If you know you are going to be away and give Zing at least a weeks notice then we can pause the term you've brought for the period that you are away if it is two weeks or more.
I'm stuck at work:
This is about promoting balance and we are an appointment you need to keep.
I can't get childcare:
We have a space enough for most kids just check with your instructor. While we are open to negotiation on this one we are an appointment you need to keep to keep you balanced. These policies came about because our instructors need to be able to make a living from teaching, or at least make it worth coming in to teach. We know things happen along the way so make sure you chat with your instructor and we can see what we can do.
Our concession cards:
Our concession cards are valid for 12 weeks to encourage you to use them and to make managing them easier. The cards are non refundable.
Health and Wellbeing:
Please let your instructor know of any old injuries or new ones before class and if you are pregnant. While you are responsible for your own health and wellbeing please let us know if something feels uncomfortable or if you are unsure of a yoga or core move. This helps keep you safe and probably helps those around you learn something new. While we take care to keep the exercises safe you do enter the building and the classes at your own risk.
Beginner Course Deposit:
Deposits made to secure your place in a beginners course are non refundable.